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Jump right to the mathematics of monodromy groups.

Flying Carpet

This flying carpet is actually a strange attractor of the discrete Lotka-Volterra system. Explore the details, and see an even more astounding version inside.

Double Pendulum

No mathematical/physical website would be complete without the double pendulum.

Crab Fractal

The Crab Fractal is a completely new discovery - a Fatou set in polynomial maps that I am currently studying.

3-body problem

The gravitation 3-body a problem. A simple playground for testing numerical integration with the modified midpoint method and others.

Tesselation with a fish-like shape and rhomboid grid

Tesselation of the plane, based on a rhomboidal grid. The edges and vertices are at your disposal - give them a drag (and share your results).

Non-autonomous Poincare section

An animated Poincare section. A non-autonomous Hamiltonian system gives a time-dependent set of crossing points.

Riemann surface for the square root

What is "monodromy" anyway?

continued fraction of π

Zoom into the infinite continued fraction of π, and learn about the involved algorithms.

A go board with black and white stones

And endless game of go (囲碁).

dithered frog

Dithered frogs.
Also: toads.

Twin Dragon

The Twin Dragon fractal is neatly connected to number systems with complex base. Have you ever wondered what it sounds like?

© TSA, October 2019